How To Achieve Your Goal Every Month

Without purchasing additional resources, without external trainers or making deliberate lifestyle changes

Your Bonus Trainer: George Lee

Certified NLP & Hypnosis Master Trainer,

TLT®️ & NLP Coaching Trainer

Winner of Subaru Car Challenge 2008;
Retired Military Officer

Your Trainer: William Choo

Certified NLP Master Coach
Certified NLP, Hypnosis & TLT®️ Master Practitioner

Register For Our Goal Setting Workshop Below

Tickets are priced at just $399/pax for the first 10 participants!

This is a physical workshop.

Date: 11 May 2024, Saturday

Time: 9am - 5pm

Location: The Mind Synergy Office

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Looking to Speak to Us?

Have you ever wondered why you keep procrastinating your goals?

Have you ever wondered why your New Year Resolutions keep repeating themselves year after year, simply because you didn't managed to achieve them in previous years? Have you ever wondered why you even procrastinated?

Do you really want to achieve your goals in 2023?

Do you want to stop procrastinating, and seriously see yourself achieve results in front of your own eyes? Do you want a change?

Then, this is IT! This is the moment! This is the workshop that you have been waiting for! You definitely need to attend this amazing workshop to learn the SECRET FORMULA to achieving your goals easily and effortlessly!


Learn the correct way linguistically to craft and set your goals

- Using NLP

Learn the secrets to get your body moving continuously and stop procrastinating

- Using Hypnosis

See your own goals appear in front of your own eyes, so that you can FEEL how great your goals are!

- Using Time Line Therapy


✔ How the mind work. 🧠

✔ Why your body behave the way it behaved.

✔ What do you need to change so that you start achieving your goals?

✔ How to utilise your unconscious mind to get you achieving your goals easily and effortlessly?

✔ How to reprogram your mind so that you can unleash your fullest potential! ✊

✔ The Trainer's secret to his personal achievement on winning the Subaru Car Challenge in 2008! 🤩


Everything starts in the mind. The NLP techniques taught at The Mind Synergy transformed my thinking and gave me clarity on my purpose and where I should put my energy on. With the life-long skills learnt, I am on my way to create my best life.

Norizah, Civil Servant

TMS runs high quality NLP training courses that equip participants with useful tools to move mental mountains and re-route you away from dead-ends. Satellite navigation for the mind. Can highly recommend their trainers and courses.

Jake, Entrepreneur

Hitting a plateau in the recent year in my life was the push factor for me to take up this course. Tbh, I came out of curiosity to see what I’ll find. I was not looking for a resolution, it was more of a maybe this could help kinda thing. And it did exceed my expectations.

Wu Yi, Investment Analyst

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